Friday, December 31, 2010
First day out!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Josef Jung and the Silver Streaks...
World Cup was rippin yesterday!
Hello fans of Waterville Valley. I went skiing yesterday morning and I pleasantly surprised to find World Cup open. It was incredible! Totally groomed and hardly skied. The lower part of Tippy was a little scratchy, but the upper party is still holding up very well. We have scattered snow showers in the forecast and looking out my window right now... it looks like the Valley is getting some snow. We need it, but the groomed runs are still very nice. I could have skied Sel's Choice to World Cup all day long... if I didn't have a million things to do I would have! It really helps having a well tuned ski to make your ski day the most enjoyable when skiing the groomers. It's all about flexing the ski and setting the edge, and you have to have an edge in order to set it. I'll be heading up at some point today... you'll probably find me on World Cup for as long as I can get away with it. Purple jacket... gray pants. See you out there!
Skiing with Peter Weber
Attached is a photo of the group who skied with Peter Weber yesterday - he gave us many tips on ski equipment and an efficient way to make good turns. Tomorrow a reporter is coming from the Concord Monitor who will be interviewing and taking some photos. And don't forget that we'll have a Holiday apres-ski party tomorrow (Wednesday) at 3PM at Village Condominium Rec Room - please bring a little something to share.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Nordic Passholder Party & Silver Streaks Update
Friday, December 17, 2010
Upcoming Silver Streaks Events
A few notes of interest....
Monday, our Director of Snowsports, Pete Weber will be skiing with the Silver Streaks. Come join him at 10:30 at the Main Quad!
Wednesday, a reporter from the Concord Monitor will be joining us to do an article on the Silver Streaks. She'll be bringing her own photographer too so it would be great if we could have a large group to ski and talk with her. Our Holiday Apres Ski party will be held at the Village Condos rec room starting at 3pm. Village Condominium is the first left after Tecumsh Road as you drive towards Town Square. Please bring appetizers and/or beverages to share.
In reference to the Patriots winning Tuesday program: the price of lift tickets will equal the opposing team's losing but you must download the special coupon by logging onto the or the WBZ website. This great promotion will not be valid over the Holiday week: on Tuesday, 12/28.
Hope everyone has an enjoyable weekend!
Terry & Deb
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Silver Streaks
Friday, December 10, 2010
Colins Run on 12/9/2010
I have never taken my flip camera skiing so I thought I would give it a shot. My son Colin and I played hookie yesterday afternoon after his doctors appointment. I usually get out there in the morning and I'm done by noon. The snow conditions were beautiful in the afternoon but BOY was it cold at the top of the mountain. We had to warm up in the Schwendi Hutte and I ran into Geoff Oulette who was training at High Country with the Plymouth State and New Hampton race teams. He said it was bitter bitter cold at the top and the wind was pretty intense at times. It was super cold, but nothing a hot chocolate couldn't cure. We took about 4 runs, started out going Upper Bobby's to the lower part of Tyler and down to the last part of Old Tecumseh. This run that I videoed of Colin was from White Caps to Terry's Trail to Lower Tyler to Lower Old Tecumseh. Colin is in BBTS this year for the first time... and I'm amazed how much more confident he is on his skiis and it's only been 2 weekends! Other BBTS Dads have told me that he'll be out skiing me by the end of the year, and I believe it. One of the reasons I wanted to put him in the program was so he could get great instruction from coaches with experience teaching kids. I can ski, but I can't teach skiing. I'm really looking forward to more days of fun on the slopes with my son... who can now keep up and loves to ski! These new flip cameras will make it very easy to monitor his progress throughout the season.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Rippin mid-week...
I took a couple of runs yesterday to get the rust out and the skiing was phenomenal. Definitely in soft powder on both sides of Tyler and High Country. It was so good I had to bust up there again this morning after the resort association meeting to hit it again. Mid-week is where it's at. I think everyone should take a health day off of work and hit the slopes a few times during the Winter. The first runs in the morning where the guns have been blowing fresh powder over a perfectly groomed surface is just.....buttah!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Almost time to ski!

For those of you that live here in New England, you know that we don't have regular storm and weather patterns here on the east. The only thing that you can expect is a constant state of change. Our original plan was to open on the 20th; but mother nature had her say in that...
Since then, we've been able to blow a ton of snow from High Country all the way down to The Pasture! We're getting a little rain right now, but we're still pushing forward and staying positive. I have my skis waxed and ready to put turns in on Friday and you should too!
And I quote; "According to Rob Batchelder, Waterville's Mountain Manager, thanks to the past weekend of snowmaking at the summit, Waterville Valley will be opening on Friday, Nov. 26 as planned. Skiing and riding will be on High Country's Ruthie's Run and Scramble trails with service by the High Country Double Chairlift. The White Peak Quad will open for access to the summit at 8:00 am. The Schwendi Hutte and Base Lodge restaurants will be open plus Sport Thoma Retail and Repair Shops. Daily lift tickets will be $29 for adults, $20 for teens and college students and $15 for juniors. "
See you soon!
Patrick Bradley, Media Coordinator
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Summer skiing
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Sunshine and Snow
The whole week I was wondering if the snow would be good at the mountain because I basically have green grass at my house. Well my question was answered today. There is plenty of snow and if the weather pattern stays like this I will be able to work on that goofy goggle tan that everyone in my office makes fun of me for. Looking forward to tomorrow and some more hero snow.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Gagnon Tops the Stacked Women’s GS Field at 2010 Nor Am Cup Finals
The women wrapped up their first event of the 2010 Nor Am Cup Finals as Marie-Michele Gagnon won the Giant Slalom Overall and Julia Ford won the Giant Slalom Juniors under sunny blue skies in Waterville Valley, NH. Following Gagnon in the overall awards were Olympian Sarah Schleper and Megan McJames- winning second and third respectively.
Abby Fucigna, 2009 Waterville Valley Academy graduate, placed 3rd in the Juniors division. Fucigna started as a Mitey Mite in the BBTS Ski Club and then transitioned into Waterville Valley Academy, the BBTS full time academic and snowsports training program. “ My GS has come a long way since last year,” said Fucigna, “I felt good, aggressive and clean after the first run...during the second run I hit a cross rut which slowed me down a bit, but that’s ski racing!” Even with that bobble, Fucigna’s total time for runs one and two was fast enough to give her 19th overall. “ There’s a lot more pressure to be able to put two solid, clean runs together. Because if you don’t, just like today, you get bumped back due to the stacked field of competition.”
The women return to the hill on Thursday with the men for Slalom, the final event of the 2010 Nor Am Cup Finals. For final results from the women’s GS and all the results from this week’s competition, please go HERE .

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Nor Am Cup Finals Underway at Waterville Valley
The sun shined and skies were blue for the start of the Nor Am Cup finals on Tuesday morning, a far cry from Monday’s rain, snow and ice mix. The precipitation created sloppy snow conditions on the mountain, making a very grueling preparation for the event, which dragged on to the late hours of Monday night. Waterville Valley Academy coaches hosed down the runs in hopes to harden the snow for optimum racing. Their hard work paid off as day one of the series went as scheduled and
WVBBTS CEO and Executive Director, Peter Stokloza deemed it a success “the snow was good, the sun was out and the skiing was extraordinary- it can’t get any better than this.”
After narrowly missing his spot to the Olympics, local racer Warner Nickerson of Gilford, NH finished 2nd in the final Nor Am GS of the season. Nickerson grew up skiing at Gunstock Mountain and has spent the last month training all over New England. “I had a great first run…today was the first day I skied in my new Carbon Fiber Dodge Boots and they helped me get a better feel for the snow and my turns.” After the first run, Nickerson found himself in the lead. The course workers were able to salt the snow for the second run, leaving a firm race course for the top 60 skiers. “ The snow was much better [the second run]…I was 6 tenths ahead after first run and I toned it down a bit during my second run, which cost me my lead, but I am very happy with my result,” added Nickerson.
For complete results from Tuesday's Men's GS, please go here -HERE

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Junior Olympics @ WV

Sunday, March 7, 2010
Good Day Sunshine!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Sun and Snow
If you were not able to get out today I would suggest getting to the mountain tomorrow because it looks like it may be a repeat of today.
See you on the mountain.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Tomorrow's forecast is calling for an even warmer day, so get out and enjoy the sun and great skiing! Don't forget the sunblock, my cheeks are nice and red tonight!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Soft & Sunny
The sun was shining all morning which made for so many soft, smooth turns on both the groomers and un-groomed terrain. Every turn was a good turn. I didn't find myself staying towards the edges as the morning went on because no matter where my skis took me I would have a soft cruiser run on this sunny Tuesday with all the new snow!
Looks like we should have some great spring skiing ahead of us! Get out and enjoy it!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
WV White Out Super Post

Saturday, February 27, 2010
No Rain at WV, all snow!
After clearing the debris from the storm and heading to work on Friday I received a picture message on my phone from a friend that was at Waterville. I could not believe what I was seeing. Waterville got all snow while everyone else was underwater.
On my drive up I was thinking there is no way WV got that much snow based on what I was seeing. That changed as soon as I started driving up the access road. They did get that much snow plus some. More snow fell overnight and it was snowing on and off all through the day. I was at the mountain early today to get some early runs and take advantage of the new snow. The trails were great and the trees were even better. I was skiing with some friends and we were so excited about the new snow and the conditions that we skied hard all morning. We were skiing all the lifts and trails we could including first chair on high country once it opened. Skiers left up there was great.
So for all of New England that received rain, I need to let you know that Waterville did not. My suggestion is for you to take a trip to the mountain. If you are like me you don’t have power anyway so I can not think of anything better to do. Hope to see you on the mountain tomorrow.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
White Winter Wonderland In WV
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
It's a Nice Day For a White....
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Sunny day
I did not take as many runs today as I usually do because I also wanted to spend time watching two of the events that were going on. The first I wanted to see was the Red Bull Snake run. The set up for this event was great, as a spectator I was able to see just about the whole course from the top of the run. As soon as they made the event a jam format and started to send the competitors in rapid fire it became very interesting. I did not see the finals but the awards looked awesome.
The other event I took time to watch on the other side of the mountain was the PSU Regional Race. Today was the slalom race and was fun to watch. I come from a racing background so I can appreciate the technical aspects of slalom racing plus it did not hurt that the finish line was just sitting in the sun.
All in all it was a great day and I am looking forward to another day on the mountain. See you out there.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Looking for the weekend
I am looking forward to this short work week and getting back on the slopes. I am very interested in a lot of the events that will be at WV this weekend, the Red Bull Snake Run, superpipe competition and the PSU regionals. Back in the day I was a racer so it will great to watch that but I do think the Red Bull snake run intrigues me the most. I hope this storm in the forecast gives us some snow and allows this weekend warrior the chance at new snow. Only four more days of work left in the week, I hope to see you on the mountain.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
HK Wins Gold
Friday, February 12, 2010
Terrain Park Crew Interviews v.3

Luke Mathison: Hello Waterville Valley.
LM: Going on three years now.
LM: Born and raised right here in the Live Free Or Die state.
LM: A ton of songs I skip through to get to the ten I listen to.
WV: How do you eat your Oreo’s?
LM: Straight dunking.
WV: What color is your tooth brush?
LM: Blue and white. It’s an Oral-B. Its electric.
WV: Who is better? Tom or Jerry?
LM: I like the mouse. He messes that cat up daily.
WV: If you were a WWF wrestler who would you be?
LM: Don’t know any wrestlers from this time frame, when I was a kid I liked Hacksaw Jim Duggan.
WV: If your refrigerator was running where would it go?
LM: To the artic so it wouldn’t have to work as hard.
WV: If you were a Zookeeper, and the prairie dogs got out, how would you get them back?
LM: A dog whistle and a couple stray cats.
WV: If the moon was made out of cheese, what kind of food would you make with it?
LM: Cheese Puffs.
LM: 2 olives were in a bar, Olive 1 fell off his stool, Olive 2 asked if he was okay and Olive 1 said… OL-IVE!!!
WV: Would you rather go big or go home?
LM: At this point I would rather go surf.
WV: Thanks Luke. Always a pleasure.
LM: We'll see you skiing and riding at Waterville Valley.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Sunny Day In Exhibition

Friday, February 5, 2010
Terrain Park Crew Interviews v.2
James Thomas: Yes, Hello WV.
JT: I think less than a month now.
JT: Wilmington, Delaware and then Duxbury, MA.
JT: I’m not using my Ipod right now. It's in my living room.
WV: How do you eat your Oreo’s?
JT: I usually take one to two bites, then chew it so I can taste it. Then I swallow.
WV: What color is your tooth brush?
JT: I actually think it's pink.
WV: Who is better? Tom or Jerry?
JT: Tom. I like cats a lot.
WV: If you were a WWF wrestler who would you be?
JT: Mistress Belmont.
WV: If your refrigerator was running where would it go?
JT: Probably a YMCA or a Gold's gym or something – those places have decent treadmills these days.
WV: If you got season tickets to the WNBA, would you go to every game?
JT: I just googled WNBA. Didn't know that kind of stuff went down. Those are some big feet.
WV: If you were a Zookeeper, and the prairie dogs got out, how would you get them back?
JT: A hammer. Just kidding. Probably a net. Or a hammer.
WV: If the moon was made out of cheese, what kind of food would you make with it?
JT: Mike O'Brien's dream milkshake. Look him up on Facebook. Kid loves cheese more than most people love their children.
WV: Would you rather go big or go home?
JT: I can't think of something funny so I'll flip a Quarter. Home.
WV: Thanks James. See you out there riding.
JT: Sure will, bye for now.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Sunny day
I skied the Northside for awhile before making my way back to Sunnyside and when I did I met up with some people that just arrived for some half day skiing. They asked if I knew any good trails, and I replied that if they were comfortable with a diamond trail they should follow me over to Gema. They did and when I saw them at the bottom they thanked me for the suggestion.
It was another sunny day with great snow conditions and if you were not able to get out and play at the mountain today due to the cold or other reasons I suggest you try to get out tomorrow. See you one the mountain.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Terrain Park Crew Interviews
Dave Hardman: Hello.
DH: Ask someone in Human Resources.
DH: A couple places this side of the Mississippi.
DH: Some killer soul mix, big thanks to Mikey G. on that one.
WV: How do you eat your Oreo’s?
DH: Bite/Milk/Bite/Milk and so on...
WV: What color is your tooth brush?
DH: Blue, I think…
WV: Who is better? Tom or Jerry?
DH: The dog.
WV: If you were a WWF wrestler who would you be?
DH: Tugboat.
WV: If your refrigerator was running where would it go?
DH: Shopping for me bro.
WV: If you got season tickets to the WNBA, would you go to every game?
DH: Scalp 'em.
WV: If you were a Zookeeper, and the prairie dogs got out, how would you get them back?
DH: Criss Angel.
WV: If the moon was made out of cheese, what kind of food would you make with it?
DH: A single Cheez-It.
WV: Would you Eskimo kiss an Eskimo?
DH: This won't come back to haunt me if I say yes, will it?
WV: Tell me a joke…
DH: A guy walks into a Dr.’s office says, “I’m a teepee I’m a wigwam, I’m a teepee I’m a wigwam, what’s my problem Doc?” He responds, “You're too tents.”
WV: Would you rather go big or go home?
DH: Just have fun kids.
WV: Thanks Dave for your time, this interview is over.
DH: Thanks, see you in the park.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Fresh Air and Flurries
What could better than getting out of the office for a couple of hours and getting some fresh air? There were flurries in the air and it looks like some snow in the future for Thursday night!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Good Friends, Good Skiing, Good Times!
The trails were in great condition all morning....the early skier gets the good snow! We mostly stuck to Sunny Side. It was nice and warm on the lift, we could watch the mogul Comp. and the snow was soft. Gema was a personal favorite today! I can always seem to find some great snow on the edges no matter what the day is! Have a great week and THINK SNOW!!!
What a weekend
On Saturday I spent the majority of the time skiing sunny side. It was great because even when we were resting our legs on the triple chairlift we were able to watch the bump competition. The kids were incredible. I love skiing the bumps but these kids were throwing flips with no issues during the competition. I think if I ever tried to do what they did I would end up in the hospital.
Once again Lower Bobby’s was my run of choice because of the conditions and the fact that no one was on the trail all day. Lets all hope for another weekend like this next week. See you on the slopes.
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Bumps 'n Jumps in the Sun
Friday, January 22, 2010
Tomorrow is looking good
Monday, January 18, 2010
New Snow = Soft Turns
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Sunny Day
Around lunch time we decided that sunny side had been in the sun long enough and we made our way over there. We were not disappointed. All of the trails over there were great however Lower Bobby’s was by far the most fun. Bobby’s had an ungroomed surface that was a lot of fun to ski. I cannot wait until we get hit with a storm because Lower Bobby’s is fun. It is also just as good when it is bumped up.
I hope everyone enjoyed today as much as I did. See you on the mountain.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Long weekend fever
I am looking forward to the skiing and the ability to lounge around the house from the moment I get home until I wake up again the next day to ski. I may get some night snow shoeing in this weekend as well but until then I have 9 more hours of work which includes 4 meetings, one web presentation and about 100 emails. I think I can make it and if not, you will see me at WV Friday afternoon.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Getting your Bum out of bed on a cold & lazy Sunday....
Butch's Banter

Charlie opened the lifts at Waterville Valley with me last Sunday by officially ringing the bell. That got me thinking that we could be like the NY Stock Exchange and invite guests to ring the bell all season. Of course we'll be opening the lifts and our days are a lot more fun! So, if you'd get a kick out of ringing the bell, just come see me. Did I mention that I like Reece's peanut butter cups?
See you in the front row!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
1st day out with the kids

Skiing and a wedding
Around lunch time I decided to call it a day so I could make it home in time to change into the suit and go to the wedding. It was a great day.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Perfect Timing

Monday, January 4, 2010
Vacation week ends, But the good times are still rolling
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Happy New Year
Today I spent most of my time on True Grit. The snow was great and ungroomed which added that extra level of fun.
I am sure that most people like me, are waiting to see what is going to happen with this storm tonight. I do know one thing; there are no friends on a powder day. Get as many runs in as you can, as early as possible. You can always meet your friends in the lodge at noon after your legs are so sore you wonder how you are going to walk up the stairs when you get home.
With all that said I would like to personally thank el Nino for a great beginning to 2010. Keep it comming.