Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Silver Streaks

Hi, We're so excited - started on Monday with a great surface on most of the upper trails but with a stiff wind and brisk temperatures. We finished the week with a beautiful blue sky day of skiing - attached is a photo of 16 or more of us on top of High Country. I took the photo with my cell phone so may not have gotten everyone in the photo - next time I'll bring my camera. We skied as a group for a couple of runs and had great fun. Now here's comes some new deals for Silver Streaks. Starting Monday, you can have breakfast with your Mad River coffee - the cafeteria is offering a breakfast (eggs,bacon,toast) for $3.50. Stick around after morning skiing for a cup of the soup-of-the-day for $4.50 (usual fare is $6.75). The soups will last you all afternoon - trust me, they're good. Just show your Silver Streak ID at check-out. Also, the Coyote Grill is offering their Monday evening Silver Streak special - $10 entrees and a special price on house wine. No reservations needed but just bring your card. Also, did you know you can get a labor card at the ski shop for tuning for $120 that's worth $150 in tunings. More discounts in the shop - just stop by to check them out. There will be a demo day for Streaks as soon as the shop gets their demos. Attached also is our calendar which is constantly being updated. Please note our 25th Anniversary Banquet on January 19th. This will be a special celebration of our 25 years - we hope to have everyone there including some Silver Streaks that may not be skiing now but were here at the beginning. This is just the start of a very exciting year - enough said - have a great weekend - see you Monday.

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