Thursday, January 14, 2010

Long weekend fever

Well there is a long weekend coming up and I am pretty sure I am going to spend most of that time skiing. Primarily because I can not think of anything else that I want to do. Sure there is taking out the trash, shoveling the snow off the roof and putting the rest of the holiday decorations away but those are just not as fun. Sure, if I could take the snow blower on the roof that would make that chore fun. I really do not want to hear that anyone has done that or is thinking about doing that.
I am looking forward to the skiing and the ability to lounge around the house from the moment I get home until I wake up again the next day to ski. I may get some night snow shoeing in this weekend as well but until then I have 9 more hours of work which includes 4 meetings, one web presentation and about 100 emails. I think I can make it and if not, you will see me at WV Friday afternoon.


  1. wow you must but really important, one question, do you have to ski in a suit and tie just in case you have to go back to work???

  2. I spent the day skiing on Lower Bobby's as well and it was epic! Hardly anyone on the trail...I think the ungroomed sign may have detered some people which I was thankful for. What a great afternoon! The sun was shining and the temperture was perfect. I'll be back soon!
