Friday, December 31, 2010

First day out!

Skis were loaded in the car and boot bags packed the night before! We were psyched to get out on the hill! Lily and Jorja couldn't wait to try out their new equipment! We found a great parking spot and we were on the chair by 8:45! We couldn't have pick a more beautiful day! The sun was shining, the skies were blue, and the conditions were great! Of course, this meant people were happy! We explored the whole mountain with a mid morning break at the Sunnyside Lodge to enjoy a giant chocolate chip cookie. YUM! Despite the typical holiday week crowds, the lines were completely tolerable and sometimes non-existent. We could jump right on the World Cup chair, North Side double, and Quadzilla. Valley Run was crowded but if you ventured to other parts of the mountain, you might have had a whole trail to yourself. We skied hard until 2:30 and only quit due to their hungry little bellies. Pray for snow this weekend!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Josef Jung and the Silver Streaks...

Today, Josef started off by saying - everybody walks differently so everybody skis differently. Equipment and clinics help to make skiing easier and more fun. We all had an enjoyable time following his turns and listening to his common sense suggestions. A great ski day. Important notice on the Nordic skiing - we didn't get as much snow as we had hoped thus far so it looks like the Nordic program will start after the Holidays. And since it will be the first day of cross-country skiing, we'll be postponing the clinics as well by one week. So the clinics will be on the 12th and the 19th. Tomorrow we will be entertaining the reporter from the Concord Monitor who will be here with her video person so wear your best duds. Later we will have our apres-ski party at Village Condominium at 3pm so please bring something to share. See you then.

World Cup was rippin yesterday!

Hello fans of Waterville Valley. I went skiing yesterday morning and I pleasantly surprised to find World Cup open. It was incredible! Totally groomed and hardly skied. The lower part of Tippy was a little scratchy, but the upper party is still holding up very well. We have scattered snow showers in the forecast and looking out my window right now... it looks like the Valley is getting some snow. We need it, but the groomed runs are still very nice. I could have skied Sel's Choice to World Cup all day long... if I didn't have a million things to do I would have! It really helps having a well tuned ski to make your ski day the most enjoyable when skiing the groomers. It's all about flexing the ski and setting the edge, and you have to have an edge in order to set it. I'll be heading up at some point today... you'll probably find me on World Cup for as long as I can get away with it. Purple jacket... gray pants. See you out there!

Skiing with Peter Weber

Attached is a photo of the group who skied with Peter Weber yesterday - he gave us many tips on ski equipment and an efficient way to make good turns. Tomorrow a reporter is coming from the Concord Monitor who will be interviewing and taking some photos. And don't forget that we'll have a Holiday apres-ski party tomorrow (Wednesday) at 3PM at Village Condominium Rec Room - please bring a little something to share.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Nordic Passholder Party & Silver Streaks Update

Yesterday morning would best be described as "sparkling". The snow truly glistened in the sun - skiing was spectacular. Don't want to say more because people who missed will be too bummed. However, here is something you won't miss if you're a Nordic Pass holder. The Nordic Center is having their annual Nordic Passholder party on Dec 29th from 6-8 and they need your RSVP by Dec 26th. They do not have all e-mail address and could not notify everyone directly. Hope you're enjoying you weekend (or getting work done so you can enjoy the empty slopes mid-week). See you soon.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Upcoming Silver Streaks Events

Blue skies, cool temps and snow guns blasting away make for terrific conditions and getting better by the day! It's great to see more and more members coming to the Mountain to begin another great year. Welcome to one and all.
A few notes of interest....
Monday, our Director of Snowsports, Pete Weber will be skiing with the Silver Streaks. Come join him at 10:30 at the Main Quad!
Wednesday, a reporter from the Concord Monitor will be joining us to do an article on the Silver Streaks. She'll be bringing her own photographer too so it would be great if we could have a large group to ski and talk with her. Our Holiday Apres Ski party will be held at the Village Condos rec room starting at 3pm. Village Condominium is the first left after Tecumsh Road as you drive towards Town Square. Please bring appetizers and/or beverages to share.

In reference to the Patriots winning Tuesday program: the price of lift tickets will equal the opposing team's losing but you must download the special coupon by logging onto the or the WBZ website. This great promotion will not be valid over the Holiday week: on Tuesday, 12/28.

Hope everyone has an enjoyable weekend!
Terry & Deb

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Silver Streaks

Hi, We're so excited - started on Monday with a great surface on most of the upper trails but with a stiff wind and brisk temperatures. We finished the week with a beautiful blue sky day of skiing - attached is a photo of 16 or more of us on top of High Country. I took the photo with my cell phone so may not have gotten everyone in the photo - next time I'll bring my camera. We skied as a group for a couple of runs and had great fun. Now here's comes some new deals for Silver Streaks. Starting Monday, you can have breakfast with your Mad River coffee - the cafeteria is offering a breakfast (eggs,bacon,toast) for $3.50. Stick around after morning skiing for a cup of the soup-of-the-day for $4.50 (usual fare is $6.75). The soups will last you all afternoon - trust me, they're good. Just show your Silver Streak ID at check-out. Also, the Coyote Grill is offering their Monday evening Silver Streak special - $10 entrees and a special price on house wine. No reservations needed but just bring your card. Also, did you know you can get a labor card at the ski shop for tuning for $120 that's worth $150 in tunings. More discounts in the shop - just stop by to check them out. There will be a demo day for Streaks as soon as the shop gets their demos. Attached also is our calendar which is constantly being updated. Please note our 25th Anniversary Banquet on January 19th. This will be a special celebration of our 25 years - we hope to have everyone there including some Silver Streaks that may not be skiing now but were here at the beginning. This is just the start of a very exciting year - enough said - have a great weekend - see you Monday.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Colins Run on 12/9/2010

I have never taken my flip camera skiing so I thought I would give it a shot. My son Colin and I played hookie yesterday afternoon after his doctors appointment. I usually get out there in the morning and I'm done by noon. The snow conditions were beautiful in the afternoon but BOY was it cold at the top of the mountain. We had to warm up in the Schwendi Hutte and I ran into Geoff Oulette who was training at High Country with the Plymouth State and New Hampton race teams. He said it was bitter bitter cold at the top and the wind was pretty intense at times. It was super cold, but nothing a hot chocolate couldn't cure. We took about 4 runs, started out going Upper Bobby's to the lower part of Tyler and down to the last part of Old Tecumseh. This run that I videoed of Colin was from White Caps to Terry's Trail to Lower Tyler to Lower Old Tecumseh. Colin is in BBTS this year for the first time... and I'm amazed how much more confident he is on his skiis and it's only been 2 weekends! Other BBTS Dads have told me that he'll be out skiing me by the end of the year, and I believe it. One of the reasons I wanted to put him in the program was so he could get great instruction from coaches with experience teaching kids. I can ski, but I can't teach skiing. I'm really looking forward to more days of fun on the slopes with my son... who can now keep up and loves to ski! These new flip cameras will make it very easy to monitor his progress throughout the season.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Rippin mid-week...

Hello from Waterville,
I took a couple of runs yesterday to get the rust out and the skiing was phenomenal. Definitely in soft powder on both sides of Tyler and High Country. It was so good I had to bust up there again this morning after the resort association meeting to hit it again. Mid-week is where it's at. I think everyone should take a health day off of work and hit the slopes a few times during the Winter. The first runs in the morning where the guns have been blowing fresh powder over a perfectly groomed surface is just.....buttah!