Now fans of Waterville's Terrain Parks can access more information than they'll ever need about the crew that makes the wheels spin in and around Exhibition. Talking about big bad Exhibition, it would merely be a bunny trail without the masterful mind of Terrain Park Manager, Luke Mathison. Luke took some time from his hectic day of building rails and others features to answer some untold buzz-worthy questions.
Waterville Valley: Hi Luke.
Luke Mathison: Hello Waterville Valley.
WV: How long have you been working at WV?
LM: Going on three years now.
WV: Where are you from?
LM: Born and raised right here in the Live Free Or Die state.
WV: What’s on your Ipod right now?
LM: A ton of songs I skip through to get to the ten I listen to.
WV: How do you eat your Oreo’s?
LM: Straight dunking.
WV: What color is your tooth brush?
LM: Blue and white. It’s an Oral-B. Its electric.
WV: Who is better? Tom or Jerry?
LM: I like the mouse. He messes that cat up daily.
WV: If you were a WWF wrestler who would you be?
LM: Don’t know any wrestlers from this time frame, when I was a kid I liked Hacksaw Jim Duggan.
WV: If your refrigerator was running where would it go?
LM: To the artic so it wouldn’t have to work as hard.
WV: If you were a Zookeeper, and the prairie dogs got out, how would you get them back?
LM: A dog whistle and a couple stray cats.
WV: If the moon was made out of cheese, what kind of food would you make with it?
LM: Cheese Puffs.
WV: Tell me a joke…
LM: 2 olives were in a bar, Olive 1 fell off his stool, Olive 2 asked if he was okay and Olive 1 said… OL-IVE!!!
WV: Would you rather go big or go home?
LM: At this point I would rather go surf.
WV: Thanks Luke. Always a pleasure.
LM: We'll see you skiing and riding at Waterville Valley.